In addition to macedonian translation, our Macedonian Office in Skopje specialises in translating to and from the wider range of Balkan languages including Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, M a c e d o n i a n, Montenegrin, Romanian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovenian and Turkish.
Macedonian Translation
To support our business sector focus in law, finance and medicine, our professional translators include highly qualified lawyers, professors, accountants, doctors, and teachers – all managed by dedicated project managers to ensure your translation project is delivered both on time and to a very high standard.
Translation for macedonian company incorporation
Our legal and financial translators are able to translate all documentation and related material, including those needed for company formation in macedonian, including those for:
- General Partnership (Javno Trgovsko Drushtvo – JTD)
- Limited Partnership (Komanditno Drushtvo – KD)
- Limited Liability Company (Drushtvo so Ogranichena Odgovornost – DOO)
- Joint-Stock Company (Akcionersko Drushtvo – AD)
- Limited Partnership with Shares (Komanditno Drushtvo so Akcii – KDADA).
We can help translate articles of association and agreements, notarized documents and all other legal and financial material you require to establish and run a company in macedonia.
We can also translate legal matter involved in the event of company liquidation or should a company be dissolved.
Translate macedonian financial & legal documents
Our Balkan Finances unit specialises in translating enterprise and commercial level financial and accountancy documents, both from and to all regional languages. Typically used to support a larger legal translation request, we can also translate stand-alone documents and reports such as end of year returns and audit reports.
Translate macedonian medical and pharmaceutical documents
Our Medical Translators can translate macedonian pharmaceutical, Life Sciences and medical documents with pinpoint accuracy. We only employ highly qualified and experienced translators with a minimum of ten years’ experience working in the medical sector. We cover all branches of medicine including biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology.
Our Skopje Office
GSI Translations has a strong team of native macedonian speakers, managed through our Skopje office.
You can contact our Macedonian translation team directly:
GSI Translations – Skopje
Ul. Makedonija br. 33/2-4,
Skopje-Centre, 1000,
Republic of Macedonia
Tel: +389 (0) 2 311 7033
Alternatively, contact our head office in London.
Our expert Macedonian translators are ready to serve you, whatever your requirements.